Nobody's ever gonna see this so, whatev
You probably heard about the talking yellow sponge. I love that dude, mate. He's like, so dang awesome. I'm ready, I'm ready! ;D
Put your tagboard here. Don't make it too big. Recommended max. width is 240px.
HAPPY LEAP YEAR DAY!(or whatever you call it.) it's 29feb, and i realised today that 1992 was a leap year too. fantastic!
Dr William Tan came to our school on wed to talk to us, and man was he inspiring. really cool k! i wonder how he'll last for 24 hours just going round and round and round and round AND round the track. ah well.
tk concert yesterday was pretty good. but heh sorry jes, i think they still have more to go before reaching comp standard. justin got really pretty roses for ms lim. he has good taste! oh and saw uncle s too! oh my word i miss her. and jiayi too! i miss her too! concert ended off with Jaakobin. meh it brought back memories of syf. pffft, i miss syf!
hee bullied wenjie into buying me dark choc. but but, i repayed that favour plentifully by suggesting we drop by church to see if it's open (ok to fill my bottle but that's not important) and hey hey! they just had some RS thingy thing, and there was food! yum :D
Excessive verbosity & voluminous verbiage obfuscate with extraneous minutiae rather than elucidate what's quintessence.HAHAHA. eng lessons can be rather funny at times.
"You look like a horse all of a sudden, eating hay."
HAHAHA. Bessy, my dear tablepartner, says the wierdest stuff sometimes. this was in reference to Charlotte just having bitten into a biscuit.
"That'd be great!" said Patrick. "Actually, though, I'm calling to ask you to the prom."
I stared openmouthed at the wall. "The
prom?" I said. " Patrick, that's six months away!"
"Five," he said. "It's in May. I figured I'd better ask you before someone else snapped you up."
"I'd say five months is pretty early," I told him, still dazed. And then I realised I hadn't given him an answer. "I'd love to go with you, Patrick," I said. "I'll look forward to it all spring."
"I've been looking forward to it all year," he told me. "But I figured September might be a little too early to ask. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
~Dangerously Alice
AWWWW. i hope they go back together. i love the Alice series!


4 Truth '08, best class ever <3
0 letters in my letterbox!
tk concert tomorrow. go jesmine!
kinder bueno tomorrow. go wenjie!
plane geometry tomorrow. go me! go 4truth!
choir tomorrow. no sec3s, no conductors. go choir!
after tomorrow, i can take a breather. yes yes yes!
i realised my weekends are highly unproductive. fri nights are untouchable, and all good intentions for sat are utterly eroded away. pffft.
ok enough venting.
i miss talking to uncle s.
she's the best to vent on.
where's uncle e?
happily studying in rj.
i miss them yes i do.
oh but cinch came back on tue!
called away for choir duty and missed getting to talk to her.
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listening to Alice's Restaurant and laughing.
selling fiesta tics tomorrow, and rushing off to church from there. let's hope i'm not too late for byc. haha mrs goh was teaching us what to say to sell the tics. rather interesting.
well dear friends out there, please pretty please buy fiesta tics from me.
it's on 29 march, sat, from 9am-5pm, $10 for each tic please please buy. thankyousoverymuch.
brownies were quite a success so yay! no more promising brownies to so many people though. mum suggested cupcakes next time. literally spent the whole of last sat preparing 160++ brownies! baking, wrapping and tying the ribbons. oh wordy.
school was wierdly tiring (even though it was almost a non-test week). chem and bio and amath and hist and chi next week allveryverynice. wish!
phototaking for leaders on thur was rather hilarious really. thalia was constantly referred to as "cupboard"! the photographer made us do the wierdest poses. please don't laugh at me when you'll see mine :/
i'm quite glad dad didn't go for parent-teacher meeting. awong was plotting to showcase the rmun videos. haha embarrassing much?
choir's coming along fine.
hti kni. i fear for rv concert.
hti kni?one specific person is driving me crazy. she's annoying, annoying and annoying! not counting the fact that she's irritating, irritating and irritating! this person is a
POOP: a jerk, a spazzo, a dillweed, someone not nice

my fav sequence in Build To Last <3
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i think the stnicks culture regarding vday is just too cool for words. everyone feels loved man yay!
awong gave us each a big red rose (beautiful when in full bloom) and a nametag! "MYRA LAI, 4 TRUTH '08" super cool yo? everyone gave chocolates, chocolates, sweets and more chocolates! many thanks thanks to everyone who gave. haha my IOUs were kind of a success. but hooboy there goes my sat. it shall be spent baking baking baking. i didn't realise it until now, but there's like
75 people i'm baking for?!
binomial today was not as bad as i feared. only the last ques seemed to stump me. but somehow or other, my answers for the rest are rather weird. i think i'll be failing horribly once again on yet another amath test. joy to the world.
assembly was amusing, but not funny.
people were staring at me as i was on my way home. i bet they're jealous.
night world.
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was super pissified with uncle e when she did not make any grand entrance at sn. rahh we were supposed to eat prata and exchange money and fiesta tics!
well anyhoo ate at pastamania with roxanne abby natburn (ok it was only R and N and me and A were pinching teehee) and wandered around the cd shops. then trained to city hall and ate gelare. shared a Waffle Tower with natburn haha yum. we were like, "oh no it's finishing!" and abby goes, "why are you'll so sentimental?!" "because it's nearly finished!" HAHAHA
reunion dinner at night was fantab. we had the Rains, Sis Palmer and 2 Elders! haha can you believe it all angmoh. yusheng was good, steamboat was good, teppenyaki (???) was good. so yay! haha the Elders cleared out our fridge and freezer by bringing back tons of food. haha "hungry" and "Elders" always go hand in hand.
going around visiting relatives was ok. collecting angbaos was even super dee duper! it's fantastic to count the money collected at the end of the day, and grasp it in your fist and know that hey, i'm rich!
first night was spent playing cooking mama and watching parts of Phantom of the Opera and eating popiah and attempting to read Can You Keep A Secret?
2nd day was spent eating good food and watching 1 more episode of War of the In-laws II (i love hk shows) and heading over to 3rd uncle's palce and managed to read 3/4 of CYKAS and then my parents came back too early to pick me! now im stuck imagining endings and it's driving me crazy boo. somebody lend me the friggin book! AHHHHHHH.

screw screw why must these shows be rated M18 and NC16??! gahmehbah.
He opens his mouth, but what comes out isn't actually English, but rather an impression of English spoken by someone jacked up on five bowls of Count Chocula, flying at the speed of light, who is trying to compress a lifetime of words into seven seconds. I catch "underage," "kill me," "stolen," and "vanilla bean," before I hold up my hand.
"Okay, as far as I can tell, you aren't really the son of a famous motivational speaker and evangelist, but are actually working for a very obscure wing of an organized-crime family who makes its money trafficking stolen vanilla beans in order to sell them to underage children. And, something has gone wrong and you are worried that you are being targeted for a hit."HAHAHAHAHA
My Girl debuts today! crap i've missed 10min of it. ciao
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i'm on the comp at 440am now. amazing. printing out proposals to pass to molly. gah.
yesterday was extremely pissifying i have no idea why. school was as mundane as usual (with the exception of chem maybe haha) and choir didn't help. maybe i was just tired or maybe i was just tired or maybe i was just tired! ok right whatev.
walked home and i saw what i presumed were two lizards mating. ewwww.
it's money season. yay. i should be in a happier mood today. reunion dinner yes yes yes!
happy chinese new year everybody. it's time for me to change into my "festive" clothes. ta.
0 letters in my letterbox!
President Hinckley has passed away. we mourn for the passing of such a great and kind leader, who carries his cane (literally) and waves his handkerchief happily. i shall remember to do the seminary assignment. go me.
sat with zhuwei the fantab birthday girl was fantab. haha 27 Dresses was lovely, and James Marsden delighted said girl no end. Heigl was brilliant still. went Borders and saw this really cool popup book for Dr Whorton hears a Who! beautiful.
i think i'm very prone to losing my purse. on wed on the way to school, i nearly left it on the bus, never to be seen again. on fri on the way home, i really did lose it. only to have it turn out in natburn's bag. ???
and another shock when touching base at home was seeing my dad. oo-er his eyes were super swollen, reminding me of foxtrot comics. apparently some allergic reaction to painkillers??!
rushed to amk to get dad's new medicine, then rushed to amanda's place, only to catch the putting-the-cake-into-the-oven part. joy to the world. haha ok but the card making part was fun.
yw activity to buy charms all the way in chinatown and crouched in two little aisles with 7yw is not my idea of comfortable. but there you go, i still had fun HAHAHA. edlina's a genius. chnatown's extremely crowded. utterly unpleasant.
last week was quite terrible. 1 test/day. ewww. and my results were like, horrendous.
stake youth fireside last last sunday was fantab. pres skelton's seriously one of the funniest people i've heard. and seeing all the youth again was fantab! haha a bit wenjie was christened fred, and casey's hair was likened to bird's nest. HAHAHA.
i can't wait for cny to come. ms poore encouraged us to take this opportunity to play as much as we could and ignore our hw completely and don't bother studying. fantab idea. words of wisdom coming from her. wed should be pretty good. i mean, uncle e is coming back and we're heading for prata (i think)! but i still have no idea what the freak to wear. no one knows as a matter of fact so hm.
was reading this book that involved the Disney themepark and somehow it shook my love for all things disney. weird questons raised made me rethink about magic. and all those tales of meeting prince charming and having a Happily Ever After ending. is Santa Claus for real? the tooth fairy? i believed all those wholeheartedly when i was a kid, i mean i even frickin sent a letter to Santa Claus, North Pole. but reasoning and logic tells me it's the parents. kinda sad don't you think?
prior to typing, thoughts were running through my head which i had meant to pen down, and now i've forgotten. trust the girl with the memory of an elephant. pffft.
0 letters in my letterbox!